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Agua Caliente Park-AGC
Agua Fria NM Riparian Corridors IBA-AGF
Anderson Mesa IBA-ANM
Arthur Pack Regional Park-APG
Audubon Research Ranch IBA-ARR
Aubrey Valley-AUB
Avra Valley WWTP-AVR
Babacomari Ranch-BAB
Cave Creek-CAC
Santa Catalina Mountains-CAT
Chiricahua Mountains IBA-CHM
Cienaga Creek Preserve-CIE
Cochie Spring-COS
Chicken Springs Allotment-CSA
Catalina State Park-CSP
Camp Verde Watershed-CVW
Esperero Canyon-ESC
Gilbert Riparian Preserves IBA-GRI
Green's Peak-GRP
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge-HAV
Huachuca Mountains IBA-HUM
Kino Environmental Restoration Project-KRP
Las Cienegas NCA-LCN
Las Cienegas NCA - Experiment Surveys 2023-LCN_Exp
Lower Oak Creek IBA-LOC
Lower Santa Cruz River-LSC
Lower Salt/Gila IBA-LSG
Lower San Pedro River IBA-LSP
Middle Santa Cruz River-MSC
Patagonia Mountains-PAM
Pinaleno Mountains - Mount Graham-PIN
Rio de Flag-RDF
Reserva Monte Mojino-REMM
Sonoita Creek SNA/Patagonia Lake IBA-SCP
Sonoran Desert Borderlands IBA-SDB
Santa Rita Foothills-SRF
San Rafael Grasslands-SRG
San Rafael Grasslands Experimental Surveys 2023-SRG_Exp
Santa Rita Mountains-SRM
Superior Highlands-SUP
Sycamore Canyon Wilderness-SYW
Tumacacori/Atascosa Highlands-TAH
Test Does Not Exist-TST
Tuzigoot IBA-TUZ
Sabino/Bear Creek IBA-tvs
Tanque Verde/Agua Caliente Watershed Ecosystem-tvs
Upper Verde Wildlife Area-UPV
Upper Santa Cruz River IBA-USC
Upper Sonoita Creek Patagonia-USP
Upper Verde River Channel-VRC
Watson/Willow Ecosystems IBA-WAW
Survey Type:
All Surveys
AS-Area Search
CA-Casual Observation
CO-Colony Count
N-Nocturnal Point Count
P-Point Count
PCI-Point Count Intensive
Species: (alphabetized by common name)
All Species
BBWD - Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
FUWD - Fulvous Whistling-Duck
GWFG - Greater White-fronted Goose
SNGO - Snow Goose
ROGO - Ross's Goose
CAGO - Canada Goose
DOGO - Domestic Goose
TUSW - Tundra Swan
?SWN - Unidentified Swan
WODU - Wood Duck
GADW - Gadwall
AMWI - American Wigeon
MALL - Mallard
MALLM - Mallard (Mexican subspecies)
MABD - Hybrid Mallad-Am. Black Duck
BWTE - Blue-winged Teal
CITE - Cinnamon Teal
NSHO - Northern Shoveler
NOPI - Northern Pintail
GWTE - Green-winged Teal
?TEA - Unidentified Teal
CANV - Canvasback
REDH - Redhead
RNDU - Ring-necked Duck
GRSC - Greater Scaup
LESC - Lesser Scaup
LTDU - Long-tailed Duck
BUFF - Bufflehead
COGO - Common Goldeneye
HOME - Hooded Merganser
COME - Common Merganser
RUDU - Ruddy Duck
?DUC - Unidentified Duck
DODU - Domestic Duck
RINP - Ring-necked Pheasant
WITU - Wild Turkey
DUGR - Dusky Grouse
COPE - Common Peafowl (Peacock)
SCQU - Scaled Quail
GAQU - Gambel's Quail
NOBO - Northern Bobwhite
MOQU - Montezuma Quail
ELQU - Elegant Quail
PALO - Pacific Loon
COLO - Common Loon
LEGR - Least Grebe
PBGR - Pied-billed Grebe
EAGR - Eared Grebe
WEGR - Western Grebe
CLGR - Clark's Grebe
?GRE - Unidentified Grebe
AWPE - American White Pelican
BRPE - Brown Pelican
NECO - Neotropic Cormorant
DCCO - Double-crested Cormorant
?COR - Unidentified Cormorant
AMBI - American Bittern
LEBI - Least Bittern
GBHE - Great Blue Heron
BTTH - Bare-throated Tiger Heron
GREG - Great Egret
SNEG - Snowy Egret
LBHE - Little Blue Heron
TRHE - Tricolored Heron
CAEG - Cattle Egret
?EGR - Unidentified Egret
GRHE - Green Heron
?HER - Unidentified Heron
BCNH - Black-crowned Night-Heron
YCNH - Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
WHIB - White Ibis
WFIB - White-faced Ibis
WOST - Wood Stork
BLVU - Black Vulture
TUVU - Turkey Vulture
OSPR - Osprey
WTKI - White-tailed Kite
MIKI - Mississippi Kite
BAEA - Bald Eagle
NOHA - Northern Harrier
SSHA - Sharp-shinned Hawk
COHA - Cooper's Hawk
NOGO - Northern Goshawk
CRHA - Crane Hawk
GRHA - Gray Hawk
STHA - Short-tailed Hawk
COBH - Common Black-Hawk
HRSH - Harris's Hawk
RSHA - Red-shouldered Hawk
BWHA - Broad-winged Hawk
STHA - Short-tailed Hawk
SWHA - Swainson's Hawk
WTHA - White-tailed Hawk
ZTHA - Zone-tailed Hawk
RTHA - Red-tailed Hawk
FEHA - Ferruginous Hawk
RLHA - Rough-legged Hawk
?BUT - Unidentified Buteo
?HAW - Unidentified Hawk
GOEA - Golden Eagle
?ACC - Unidentified Accipiter
AMKE - American Kestrel
MERL - Merlin
APFA - Aplomado Falcon
PEFA - Peregrine Falcon
PRFA - Prairie Falcon
RBEC - Rufous-bellied Chachalaca
CRCA - Crested Caracara
LAFA - Laughing Falcon
?FAL - Unidentified Falcon
?RAP - Unidentified Raptor (Diurnal)
BLRA - Black Rail
CLRA - Clapper Rail (Yuma)
VIRA - Virginia Rail
?RAI - Unidentified Rail
SORA - Sora
BBPL - Black-bellied Plover
COMO - Common Moorhen
AMCO - American Coot
SACR - Sandhill Crane
SNPL - Snowy Plover
SEPL - Semi-palmated Plover
KILL - Killdeer
MOUP - Mountain Plover
BNST - Black-necked Stilt
AMAV - American Avocet
?YLE - Unknown Yellowlegs
GRYE - Greater Yellowlegs
LEYE - Lesser Yellowlegs
SOSA - Solitary Sandpiper
WILL - Willet
SPSA - Spotted Sandpiper
UPSA - Upland Sandpiper
WHIM - Whimbrel
LBCU - Long-billed Curlew
?NUM - Unidentified Numenius sp.
MAGO - Marbled Godwit
SAND - Sanderling
WESA - Western Sandpiper
LESA - Least Sandpiper
DUNL - Dunlin
STSA - Stilt Sandpiper
?SAN - Unidentified Sandpiper
SBDO - Short-billed Dowitcher
LBDO - Long-billed Dowitcher
?DOW - Unidentified Dowitcher
WISN - Wilson's Snipe
WIPH - Wilson's Phalarope
RNPH - Red-necked Phalarope
?PHA - Unidentified Phalarope
UNSH - Unidentified Shorebird
FRGU - Franklin's Gull
BOGU - Bonaparte's Gull
RBGU - Ring-billed Gull
CAGU - California Gull
HERG - Herring Gull
?GUL - Unidentified Gull
GBTE - Gull-billed Tern
CATE - Caspian Tern
FOTE - Forster's Tern
LETE - Least Tern
BLTE - Black Tern
ROPI - Rock Pigeon
BTPI - Band-tailed Pigeon
RBPI - Red-billed Pigeon
ECDO - Eurasian-Collared Dove
AFCD - African Collared-dove (aka Ringed Turtle-dove)
WWDO - White-winged Dove
WTDO - White-tipped Dove
MODO - Mourning Dove
INDO - Inca Dove
COGD - Common Ground-Dove
RUGD - Ruddy Ground-Dove
?GDO - Unidentified Ground-Dove
?COL - Unidentified Columbina sp. (Ground-Doves & Inca)
UNDO - Unidentified Columbidae family (Doves/Pigeons)
PFLO - Peach-faced Lovebird
MIMA - Military Macaw
MEXP - Mexican Parrotlet
WFPA - White-fronted Parrot
LCPA - Lilac-crowned Parrot
YBCU - Yellow-billed Cuckoo
MACU - Mangrove Cuckoo
SQCU - Squirrel Cuckoo
GRRO - Greater Roadrunner
LERO - Lesser Roadrunner
GBAN - Groove-billed Ani
BNOW - Barn Owl
WESO - Western Screech-Owl
WHSO - Whiskered Screech-Owl
VESO - Vermiculated Screech-Owl
GHOW - Great Horned Owl
NOPO - Northern Pygmy-Owl
FEPO - Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
CPYO - Colima Pygmy-Owl
ELOW - Elf Owl
BUOW - Burrowing Owl
MOOW - Mottled Owl
SPOW - Spotted Owl (Mexican)
LEOW - Long-eared Owl
SEOW - Short-eared Owl
NSWO - Northern Saw-whet Owl
?OWL - Unidentified Owl
LENI - Lesser Nighthawk
CONI - Common Nighthawk
?NIG - Unidentified Nighthawk
COPW - Common Poorwill
EWPW - Eastern Whip-poor-will
MWPW - Mexican Whip-poor-will
COPA - Common Pauraque
BCNI - Buff-collared Nightjar
BLSW - Black Swift
VASW - Vaux's Swift
WTSW - White-throated Swift
?SWI - Unidentified Swift
BBLH - Broad-billed Hummingbird
WEHU - White-eared Hummingbird
BEHU - Berylline Hummingbird
VCHU - Violet-crowned Hummingbird
BLUH - Blue-throated Hummingbird
MAHU - Magnificent Hummingbird
PCST - Plain-capped Starthroat
LUHU - Lucifer's Hummingbird
RTHU - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
BCHU - Black-chinned Hummingbird
ANHU - Anna's Hummingbird
COHU - Costa's Hummingbird
CAHU - Calliope Hummingbird
BTLH - Broad-tailed Hummingbird
RUHU - Rufous Hummingbird
ALHU - Allen's Hummingbird
?SEL - Unidentified Selasphorus sp. (BTLH, RUHU, ALHU)
?HUM - Unidentified Hummingbird
ELTR - Elegant Trogon
EAQU - Eared Quetzal
RCMO - Russet-crowned Motmot
BEKI - Belted Kingfisher
GKIN - Green Kingfisher
LEWO - Lewis's Woodpecker
ACWO - Acorn Woodpecker
GIWO - Gila Woodpecker
WISA - Williamson's Sapsucker
YBSA - Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
RNSA - Red-naped Sapsucker
RBSA - Red-breasted Sapsucker
?SAP - Unidentified Sapsucker
LBWO - Ladder-backed Woodpecker
DOWO - Downy Woodpecker
HAWO - Hairy Woodpecker
ARWO - Arizona Woodpecker
GRCW - Gray-crowned Woodpecker
TTWO - Three-toed Woodpecker
?PIC - Unidentified Picoides sp.
NOFL - Northern Flicker
GIFL - Gilded Flicker
?FLI - Unidentified Flicker sp.
LIWO - Lineated Woodpecker
?WOO - Unidentified Woodpecker
IBIW - Ivory-billed Woodcreeper Ivory-billed Woodcreeper Ivory-billed Woodcreeper
WSWO - White-striped Woodcreeper
NBTY - Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet
TUFL - Tufted Flycatcher
OSFL - Olive-sided Flycatcher
GRPE - Greater Pewee
WEWP - Western Wood-Pewee
WIFL - Willow Flycatcher
WTFL - White-throated Flycatcher
HAFL - Hammond's Flycatcher
GRFL - Gray Flycatcher
DUFL - Dusky Flycatcher
HFDF - Unidentified Empid (HAFL or DUFL)
PSFL - Pacific-slope Flycatcher
COFL - Cordilleran Flycatcher
CFPF - Unidentified COFL or PSFL ("Western Flycatcher")
BBFL - Buff-breasted Flycatcher
?EMP - Unidentified Empidonax
BLPH - Black Phoebe
SAPH - Say's Phoebe
EAPH - Eastern Phoebe
?PHO - Unidentified Phoebe
VEFL - Vermilion Flycatcher
BRAT - Bright-rumped Attila
DCFL - Dusky-capped Flycatcher
ATFL - Ash-throated Flycatcher
NUFL - Nutting’s Flycatcher
BCFL - Brown-crested Flycatcher
?MYI - Unidentified Myiarchus sp.
GKIS - Great Kiskadee
SOFL - Social Flycatcher
SBFL - Sulpur-bellied Flycatcher
TRKI - Tropical Kingbird
CAKI - Cassin's Kingbird
TBKI - Thick-billed Kingbird
WEKI - Western Kingbird
STFL - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
?TYR - Unidentified Tyrannus sp.(Kingbirds & STFL)
MATI - Masked Tityra
GCBE - Gray-collared becard
RTBE - Rose-throated Becard
LOSH - Loggerhead Shrike
NSHR - Northern Shrike
BEVI - Bell's Vireo
GRVI - Gray Vireo
PLVI - Plumbeous Vireo
CAVI - Cassin's Vireo
BHVI - Black-headed Vireo
BCVI - Black-capped Vireo
PCBV - Unidentified "Solitary" Vireo (PLVI,CAVI,BHVI)
HUVI - Hutton's Vireo
WAVI - Warbling Vireo
YGVI - Yellow-green Vireo
REVI - Red-eyed Vireo
?VIR - Unidentified Vireo
STJA - Steller's Jay
BTMJ - Black-throated Magpie Jay
PBJA - Purplish-backed Jay
WESJ - Western Scrub-Jay
MEJA - Mexican Jay
PIJA - Pinyon Jay
?JAY - Unidentified Jay
CLNU - Clark's Nutcracker
BBMA - Black-billed Magpie
AMCR - American Crow
SICR - Sinaloa Crow
CHRA - Chihuahuan Raven
CORA - Common Raven
?RAV - Unidentified Raven
?COR - Unidentified Corvid
HOLA - Horned Lark
PUMA - Purple Martin
TRES - Tree Swallow
VGSW - Violet-green Swallow
?TAC - Unidentified Tachycineta sp.(TRES or VGSW)
NRWS - Northern Rough-winged Swallow
BANS - Bank Swallow
CLSW - Cliff Swallow
BARS - Barn Swallow
?SWA - Unidentified Swallow
BCCH - Black-capped Chickadee
MOCH - Mountain Chickadee
MECH - Mexican Chickadee
BRTI - Bridled Titmouse
JUTI - Juniper Titmouse
?TIT - Unidentified Titmouse
VERD - Verdin
BUSH - Bushtit
RBNU - Red-breasted Nuthatch
WBNU - White-breasted Nuthatch
PYNU - Pygmy Nuthatch
?NUT - Unidentified Nuthatch
BRCR - Brown Creeper
CACW - Cactus Wren
SPWR - Spotted Wren
ROWR - Rock Wren
CANW - Canyon Wren
BEWR - Bewick's Wren
HAWR - Happy Wren
SIWR - Sinaloa Wren
HOWR - House Wren
WIWR - Winter Wren
PAWR - Pacific Wren
MAWR - Marsh Wren
?WRE - Unidentified Wren
GCKI - Golden-crowned Kinglet
RCKI - Ruby-crowned Kinglet
BGGN - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
BTGN - Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
BCGN - Black-capped Gnatcatcher
?GNA - Unidentified Gnatcatcher
EABL - Eastern Bluebird
WEBL - Western Bluebird
MOBL - Mountain Bluebird
?BLU - Unidentified Bluebird
TOSO - Townsend's Solitaire
BBSO - Brown-backed Solitaire
VEER - Veery
OBNT - Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush
SWTH - Swainson's Thrush
HETH - Hermit Thrush
AMRO - American Robin
RBRO - Rufous-backed Robin
WTTH - White-throated Thrush
VATH - Varied Thrush
?THU - Unidentified Thrush
GRCA - Gray Catbird
NOMO - Northern Mockingbird
BLMO - Blue Mockingbird
SATH - Sage Thrasher
BRTH - Brown Thrasher
BETH - Bendire's Thrasher
CBTH - Curve-billed Thrasher
CRTH - Crissal Thrasher
LCTH - Le Conte's Thrasher
?TOX - Unidentified Toxostoma sp. (CBTH,CRTH,LCTH,BRTH,BETH)
EUST - European Starling
AMPI - American Pipit
SPPI - Sprague's Pipit
CEDW - Cedar Waxwing
PHAI - Phainopepla
GRSF - Gray Silky-flycatcher
OLWA - Olive Warbler
TEWA - Tennessee Warbler
OCWA - Orange-crowned Warbler
NAWA - Nashville Warbler
VIWA - Virginia's Warbler
LUWA - Lucy's Warbler
NOPA - Northern Parula
TRPA - Tropical Parula
CCWA - Crescent-chested Warbler
YWAR - Yellow Warbler
CSWA - Chestnut-sided Warbler
BTBW - Black-throated Blue Warbler
YRWA - Yellow-rumped Warbler
BTYW - Black-throated Gray Warbler
TOWA - Townsend's Warbler
HEWA - Hermit Warbler
THWH - Townsend's X Hermit Warbler hybrid
GRWA - Grace's Warbler
YTWA - Yellow-throated Warbler
PAWA - Palm Warbler
?DEN - Unidentified Dendroica sp.(YRWA,BTYW,TOWA,HEWA,GRWA,YWAR)
BAWW - Black-and-white Warbler
PROW - Prothonotary Warbler
AMRE - American Redstart
NOWA - Northern Waterthrush
LOWA - Louisiana Waterthrush
?WAT - Unidentified Waterthrush
MOWA - Mourning Warbler
MGWA - MacGillivray's Warbler
COYE - Common Yellowthroat
HOWA - Hooded Warbler
WIWA - Wilson's Warbler
RFWA - Red-faced Warbler
PARE - Painted Redstart
STRE - Slate-throated Redstart
YBCH - Yellow-breasted Chat
FTWA - Fan-tailed Warbler
RCWA - Rufous-capped Warbler
?WAR - Unidentified Warbler
HETA - Hepatic Tanager
SCTA - Scarlet Tanager
SUTA - Summer Tanager
WETA - Western Tanager
WSTA - Western/Summer Tanager hybrid
FCTA - Flame-colored Tanager
WFTA - Western/Flame-colored Tanager hybrid
?TAN - Unidentified Tanager
SEUP - Scrub Euphonia
ELEU - Elegant Euphonia
GTTO - Green-tailed Towhee
SPTO - Spotted Towhee
CANT - Canyon Towhee
ABTO - Abert's Towhee
RCGS - Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow
?TOW - Unidentified Towhee sp.
BGRA - Blue-black Grassquit
RWSP - Rufous-winged Sparrow
CASP - Cassin's Sparrow
BOSP - Botteri's Sparrow
RCSP - Rufous-crowned Sparrow
RUSP - Rusty Sparrow
?AIM - Unidentified Aimophila
FSSP - Five-striped Sparrow
ATSP - American Tree Sparrow
CHSP - Chipping Sparrow
CCSP - Clay-colored Sparrow
BRSP - Brewer's Sparrow
?SPI - Unidentified Spizella sp. (CHSP,BRSP,CCSP)
BCSP - Black-chinned Sparrow
VESP - Vesper Sparrow
LASP - Lark Sparrow
BTSP - Black-throated Sparrow
SAGS - Sage Sparrow
LARB - Lark Bunting
SAVS - Savannah Sparrow
GRSP - Grasshopper Sparrow
BAIS - Baird's Sparrow
?AMM - Unidentified Ammodramus sp.
FOSP - Fox Sparrow
SOSP - Song Sparrow
LISP - Lincoln's Sparrow
SWSP - Swamp Sparrow
WTSP - White-throated Sparrow
WCSP - White-crowned Sparrow
GCSP - Golden-crowned Sparrow
?SPA - Unidentified Sparrow
DEJU - Dark-eyed Junco
YEJU - Yellow-eyed Junco
?JUN - Unidentified Junco
MCLO - McCown's Longspur
CCLO - Chestnut-collared Longspur
?CAL - Unidentified Calcarius sp. (Longspur)
NOCA - Northern Cardinal
PYRR - Pyrrhuloxia
?CAR - Unidentified Cardinalis sp. (NOCA or PYRR)
RBGR - Rose-breasted Grosbeak
BHGR - Black-headed Grosbeak
BLGR - Blue Grosbeak
YEGR - Yellow Grosbeak
?GRO - Unidentified Grosbeak
LAZB - Lazuli Bunting
INBU - Indigo Bunting
VABU - Varied Bunting
PABU - Painted Bunting
DICK - Dickcissel
?BUN - Unidentified Bunting
RWBL - Red-winged Blackbird
EAME - Eastern Meadowlark
CHME - Chihuahuan Meadowlark
WEME - Western Meadowlark
?MEA - Unidentified Meadowlark
YHBL - Yellow-headed Blackbird
RUBL - Rusty Blackbird
BRBL - Brewer's Blackbird
?BLA - Unidentified Blackbird
COGR - Common Grackle
GTGR - Great-tailed Grackle
?GRA - Unidentified Grackle
BROC - Bronzed Cowbird
BHCO - Brown-headed Cowbird
?COW - Unidentified Cowbird (BHCO or BROC)
OROR - Orchard Oriole
HOOR - Hooded Oriole
BUOR - Bullock's Oriole
SCOR - Scott's Oriole
BVOR - Black-vented Oriole
SBAO - Streak-backed Oriole
?ORI - Unidentified Oriole
PUFI - Purple Finch
CAFI - Cassin's Finch
HOFI - House Finch
?FIN - Unidentified Finch
RECR - Red Crossbill
PISI - Pine Siskin
BHSI - Black-headed Siskin
LEGO - Lesser Goldfinch
LAGO - Lawrence's Goldfinch
AMGO - American Goldfinch
?GOL - Unidentified Goldfinch
EVGR - Evening Grosbeak
HOSP - House Sparrow
SSP1 - Species 1
NONE - No birds
UNID - Unidentified Bird (placeholder)
AGSQ - Arizona Gray Squirrel
ANTE - Antelope
ANJR - Antelope Jack Rabbit
BEAV - Beaver
RIOT - River Otter
BTJA - Black-tailed Jack Rabbit
BOBC - Bobcat
KING - Common Kingsnake
COAT - Coati
COTT - Cottontail Species
COYO - Coyote
DEIG - Desert Iguana
GIMO - Gila Monster
GOSN - Gopher Snake
GRFO - Gray Fox
GRSQ - Ground Squirrel
HNSK - Hog-nosed Skunk
JAVE - Javelina
LNSN - Long-Nosed Snake
MORA - Mojave Rattlesnake
MUDE - Mule Deer
PROG - Pronghorn Antelope
PORC - Porcupine
RING - Ringtail
ROCK - Rock Squirrel
BTPR - Black-tailed Prairie Dog
SOWH - Sonoran Whipsnake
STSK - Striped Skunk
OBTU - Ornate Box Turtle
DIRA - Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
WTDE - White-tailed Deer
BLFR - Bullfrog
CORT - Colorado River Toad
RSTO - Red-spotted Toad
SFTO - Spadefoot Toad
SSTU - Spiney Softshell Turtle
?AMP - Unidentified Toad/Frog
RACO - Racoon
CODE - Coue's Deer
?SKU - Unidentified Skunk Species
?GAS - Unidentified Grater Snake Species
OTLZ - Ornate Tree Lizard
CSLZ - Clark's Spiny Lizard
HASQ - Harris' Antelope Squirrel
?GSQ - Unidentified Ground Squirrel
POGO - Pocket Gopher
BLBR - Black Bear
MEXD - Mexican Duck
MEXMALL - Mallard x Mexican Duck (hybrid)
ECDO - Eurasian Collared-Dove
YRWAA - Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)
MALLMEX - Mallard/Mexican Duck
HUMSP - hummingbird sp.
NOCPYR - Northern Cardinal/Pyrrhuloxia
CAVIPLVI - Cassin's/Plumbeous Vireo
COGA - Common Gallinule
DUCKSP - duck sp.
ROPI1 - Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
DCNEO - Double-crested/Neotropic Cormorant
NOFLRS - Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)
falconsmall - small falcon sp.
CAKI/WEKI - Cassin's/Western Kingbird
?warb - warbler sp. (Parulidae sp.)
DEJU_GH - Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed)
Breeding Behavior:
All Behavior
Any Recorded Behavior
FS - Adult carrying fecal sack.
CF - Adult carrying food, except raptors, corvids, roadrunners, shrikes, and kingfishers.
FY - Adult feeding recently fledged young.
FYN - Adult feeding young in nest.
A - Agitated behavior or anxiety calls from adult.
CN - Carrying nesting materials (e.g. sticks, mud and cobwebs) except wrens* and Verdin.
C - Courtship behavior or copulation, includes displays and food exchange.
DD - Distraction display, defense of unknown nest or young, or injury feigning.
IB - Incubating/Breeding (For Colony only)
S - Individuals singing.
B - Nest building by some species of wrens* (Cactus, Bewick's, House, Marsh)and Verdin or excavations by woodpeckers.
NB - Nest building on the actual next-site, except the wrens* and Verdin.
NE - Nest with egg(s).
NY - Nest with young seen or heard.
ON - Occupied nest: adults entering or leaving a nest site in circumstances indicating an occupied nest, includes high tree, cliff or cavity/burrow nests that cannot be seen.
P - Pair observed in suitable habitat during breeding season.
T - Permanent territory assumed through defense of territory.
FL - Recently fledged young of altricial species incapable of sustained flight or downy young of precocial species restricted to the natal area by dependence or limited mobility.
UN - Used nest or eggshells found - these must be carefully identified.
N - Visiting probable nest site, but no further breeding evidence obtained.
Other Habitat:
All Habitat
RW - (in or on) River Water
WB - (in or on) Water Body (lakes, ponds)
UN - Unknown
AF - Abandoned or fallow Field
RA - Aerial space over riparian or wetland (FM) or Waterbody (WB) -use for aerial foraging species or Fly-over bird/flocks following riparian corridor.
AL - Alpine
AS - Aspen Forest
CH - Chaparral
CL - Cliff
CF - Coniferous mixed Forest
DS - Desert Scrub
DM - Desert Shrub/Mesquite
FF - Farm Field (active) or Rural
FM - Freshwater Marsh ( emergent veg > 50%)
GR - Grassland
HR - High elevation Riparian
JU - Juniper Forest
MB - Mesquite Bosque
OG - Oak-Grassland
OJ - Oak-Juniper Forest
OP - Oak-Pine
RC - On substrate within River Channel-use only in "Other Habitat"
OC - Orchard: Citrus
OO - Orchard: Other
PE - Orchard: Pecan
PO - Pine-Oak Woodland
PJ - Pinyon-Juniper Forest
PI - Ponderosa Pine (including with some Gambel Oak)
RD - Riparian Desert (xeric riparian vegetation)
RV - Riparian Vegetation (mesic, low elev., below 4000 ft.)
OM - Shrub Oak/Manzanita-Mountain Mahogany w/grama grasses
SF - Spruce-Fir Forest
TD - Tropical Deciduous Forest
UR - Urban/Suburban planted habitat
WE - Wetland, Marshland, or Waterbody Edge (shoreline ecotone)-use only in "Other Habitat"
"Breeding Bird Atlas" Habitat:
All BBA Habitats
ABG - Barren Ground (fallow fields, disturbed areas)
ACR - Cropland
ACW - Cultivated Woodlands
ARU - Urban/Rural (incl. wastewater ponds)
DCH - Chihuahuan Desertscrub
DGB - Cold-temperature (Great Basin) Desertscrub
DMO - Mojave Desertscrub
DSL - Sonoran Desertscrub: Lower Colorado River
DSU - Sonoran Desertscrub: Arizona Uplands
FMA - Aspen Forest
FME - Madrean Evergreen Woodland
FMM - Mixed-Conifer Forest
FMO - Madrean Pine-Oak Woodland
FMP - Ponderosa Pine Forest
FPJ - Pinyon Pine-Juniper Woodland
FPO - Ponderosa Pine-Gambell's Oak Forest
FPP - Pinyon Pine-Juniper Woodland with scattered ponderosa pine
FSC - Subalpine Spruce-Fir Forest
GGB - Cold-temperature (Great Basin) Grassland
GMM - Montane Meadow-Grassland
GPL - Plains Grassland
GSA - Subalpine Grassland
GSD - Semiarid Grassland
GSS - Sonoran Savannah Grassland
SIC - Interior Chaparral
SSS - Subalpine Scrub
TAL - Alpine Tundra
TDF - Tropical Deciduous Woodlands
UIN - Industrial
UPG - Parks
URS - Residential (ponds, yards, canals)
WAB - Arctic-Boreal Wetlands
WAR - Altered Riparian (tamarisk)
WGB - Cold-temperature (Great Basin) Riparian Wetlands
WIR - Interior Riparian Deciduous Woodlands
WMC - Ponds, Lakes, Marshlands, or Cienagas
WMR - Montane Riparian Wetlands
WRS - Riparian Scrubland
WSD - Sonoran Riparian Deciduous Woodlands
WSO - Sonoran Oasis Woodlands (California fan palm)
WSR - Sonoran Riparian (Desert Dry Wash) Scrubland
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